Four Team Mechanics

1. Dream Makers

A Dream Maker's main purpose is to create the Vision. They must translate the Vision to the Game Players. Their "the sky's the limit" imagination for possibilities and innovative ideas may have significant impact on the World. They may lay out the ground work but be chastised until future conditions are played out and they may never experience the benefit. They need to know the difference between Possibility, Probability, and Impossibility/Fantasy or they will get lost in their own imagination. Dreams have a place, but not to the point where they don't work or to the point where uncommitted and incomplete tasks overwhelm the Dream Maker.

2. Game Players

Game Players understand the Dream Maker's Vision and translates it to everyone else. They manage an Army of Parts (Game Pieces) to do the work from a "40,000 feet" downwards looking viewpoint. Although too practical and lacking imagination to create the Vision, they manage the promises made, command the tempo/pace of the game, prioritize and sequences tasks, create functional working relationships, understand the process for completions, inject truth for fair and just agreements between parties, place proper responsibility on the proper individuals, and move particle flow for complete cycles of actions. Not completing a cycle of action in a timely manner may cost losing everything.

3. Game Pieces

Game Pieces need instructions on how to do the work and how to move forward. They are the workhorse of the Vision in which that individuals may excel and specialize in specific skillsets. They perform the sequentially-dependent promises made. Unkept promises with and without integrity must be repromised (same terms different time), renegotiated (may be same terms and different time), or revoked (end of promise). Game Pieces may be perfectionist and need to be instructed by Game Players on when to move onto the next relevant step appropriate to the gradient of the task at hand.

4. Broken Pieces

Broken Pieces have addictive habits. They will destroy and harm you, themselves, and everything around them. They are to be rehabilitated or removed (two sane choices), or you can leave them where they are at (insane choice) but at least with the attempt to isolate them. Once rehabilitation efforts become too great in time, energy, and effort in that it turns into rescuing, they must be removed due to liability issues.